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Showing posts from September, 2022

Top 3 Hair Growth Remedies

You're not the only one who has wondered how to promote hair growth . Almost everyone today deals with difficulties like hair loss and hair thinning. Our hair quality deteriorates as a result of our modern lifestyle, pollution exposure, and the usage of chemical products, which cause hair loss. In this post, we've outlined 5 all-natural methods for reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Brush  Use a naturally bristled brush, when you brush your hair in the morning,  for example with boar bristles. To stimulate your hair follicles brushing is very important . Use castor oil Omega-9 fatty acids and Vitamin E are rich in Castor oil. Both of these vitamins promote healthy hair growth. The oil is very thick and sticky so to boost its effectiveness, you need to mix 1 ounce of castor oil with 4 drops of rosemary essential oil.  To apply, gently massage your scalp. After 30 to 45 minutes, rinse it.    3. Eggs Sufficient protein is necessary for hair growth and Eggs are an excell